Ramadan Kareem (Ramadhan or Ramzan) 2024 is the 9th month on the Muslim calendar, which is known as the Fasting month (Roza) also, which is known to be one of the important parts of the 5 pillars of Islam. We as Muslims share Ramadan quotes, images, wishes, greetings, and a lot of cool SMS on social media.
Ramadan images about HELL.

We change the statues to show our love for the Holy month of Ramadan. The new Ramadan Timetable (Calendar) has been released but we have to wait for the moon sighting. There are Duas for Ramadan to remember and don’t forget the rituals of Ramzan (Ramjan). This year Ramadan 1444 is going to start on Wednesday, 10 March 2024, and will end on 9 April.

Best Happy Ramadan Quotes with Images

The Ramadan Kareem 1441 is the month of blessings by Allah Almighty. This holy month is the gift of Allah (God) for entire humanity in which especial grace, forgiveness, blessings, and mercy are revealed by Almighty. That is why Muslims spread peace, happiness, love, and grace to all their friends, families and communities through beautiful Ramadan quotes.
Here we bring to you some blissful and beautiful quotes will surely mesmerize you, do check out:

This image is about Islamic quotes.
Happy Ramadan Wishes Photos Free Download
Ramadan is now at the doorstep or getting closer to us. In various civilization and cultures, Muslim communities have a great tradition to wish Happy Ramadan and other related duas.
Wishing Ramadan to friends, families, communities, and neighbors is also a Sunnah and practiced by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

1st Friday of Ramadan Kareem Quotes
Therefore many Muslim communities follow the Sunnah or tradition and excitingly wishes their colleagues, friends, families, and neighbours.
Ramadan Quotes Images About Prayer of Ramadan!!

You can share your feeling and excitement to your loved ones using Happy Ramadan wishes free. If you want some unique and new Ramadan wishes then check out below:
Best Ramadan Mubarak Messages SMS for Whatsapp Facebook

Na rahy dil ek pal bhi ibadat se ghafil!!
Apki har dua ho qabool kaamil!!
Aur un duaon main hum bhi houn shamil!!

Happy Ramadan Greetings Messages
Ramadan Kareem is a spiritually and religiously precious event in Islamic history and thus for Muslims. Ramadan connects creation to its creator in the most beautiful way which spiritual value is countless. That is why Muslims blissfully and faithfully greet others/ family/ friends by saying Ramadan Kareem or Ramazan Mubarak or Happy Ramadan.

My experiences tell that Non-Muslims also wish their Muslims friends, “A happy Ramadan Kareem.” This Holy Month not only connects Mankind but also Connects us with God. So, we should celebrate and share the beautiful moments of this Ramzan.

Considering the fact we compiled up some exclusive Ramadan greetings here for all you out there:

Ramzan Duas Pics
Islam is the only religion in which making dua is also counted as worshipping the Almighty. Ramadan Kareem fasting is filled with respect, honor, and spirituality which is a pretty fortunate thing on this earth. It is the feeling only Muslims can understand and feel and the one who is unable to perform this action due to related health problems.
Additionally, Muslims practice special prayers and exclusive Ibadaats which are no doubt the cherry on top. The spirituality that comes within is hard to describe in words impossible to anyone to describe the feeling of bonding between the person and Almighty. However, Almighty understands even unspoken words but He asked his creation to make dua and ask for whatever you want.
Some special Ramadan duas are high in rewards and faith. Having said that you can make any dua you want to your God, try to make dua as much as possible as Almighty loves the person making duas.

Special Ramadan fasting dua
Intention counts most in Islam but according to various religious experts read these comprehensive Duas as these are also Sunnah:

Beautiful Ramadan Duas
These are the Duas Prophet Muhammad SAWW usually made:

Ramadan Duas for three Ashras (stages)
Ramzan is the Grace of Islam
Islam is the second-largest religion with over 1 billion followers throughout the world. Arab is the origin of Islam and then spread to every corner of the world. Islam contains 4 immortal pillars which are preached and spread by messengers (prophets) of Allah and especially by the last prophet Hazrat Muhammad peace be upon him. These five most gracious pillars are Shahadah, prayer (Salat or Salah), fasting (Soum or Siyam), zakat, and hajj.
Ramadan Kareem is the holiest month for all Muslims in which Muslims of the world practice the second pillar of Islam fasting or soum. During the month of 30 days, Muslims practice especial prayers, fasting, charity, and additional worship of Allah Almighty and Quran recitation.
Origin of Ramadan
Ramadan turned out to be a blessing for Muslims even mankind from the only creator Allah. It was 610 CE when the last prophet Muhammad was in the cave known as Al-Hira. There the archangel Gabriel visited Muhammad SAWW and asked peace be upon him ‘read’ (Iqra). It was the time when the Almighty sent the first word of revelation of the Quran to His beloved last prophet. In the second year of Hijri (Migration of Muslims), fasting was obligatory for adult Muslims.
Ramadan was the month when Quran revelation was completed on the special night of Laylat-al-Qadr also known as “Night of Power”. Ramadan is the month of celebration of Quran revelation and completion. Ramadan is the holy month when the holiest book of guidance, mercy, and to-do fundamentals of life, peace, and love is completed.
Ramzan in Islamic History
Islam is the simplest religion, all rituals, traditions, and practices of Islam are kept very simple.
Ramadan‘s history starts 1400 years ago in Arab, those Muslims are known for their simplicity, generosity, righteous, mercy, and truthfulness. These are the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, He and his companions were used to fasting in Ramadan. They preferred to open fast with water and dates.
They were on a mission to spread Islam but still keep simplicity intact, they ate simple food like goat milk, meat curry, dates etc.
Ramadan in real meaning is to practice self-restraint; this is what the Muslim Arabs did during Ramadan. Fasting is only one of the aspects although refraining from all such things as falsehood, negative thoughts, unkindness, etc. are the real motive of Ramadan.
During Ramadan, one should distance oneself from earthly impure things and should spend most of the time worshipping the Almighty, deeds of kindness, extra prayers, and more. All such acts were practiced by the last prophet and his companions. Those people are exemplary and generous as they give their food to the poor without even thinking about what will they eat. Because they had to represent the actual meaning of Islam which is caring, sharing, kindness, sacrifice, and peace.
Those people were the true examples of scarifies, love, humanity, peace, and faith in Allah (God). They believed the fact that Allah loves those who love humanity the most and are on a straight path whatever happens.
With drinks and food Muslims are bound to refrain from sexual activities with partners, lies, and all types of negativity. Fasting, prayers, charity, kindness, and reflection are the major practices for Muslims during this month. From sunrise to sunset Muslims willingly sacrifice their thirst, hunger, and physical need to gain the will of Allah Almighty and in the reward, the Almighty grants them higher ranks in Jannah and makes them safe from hellfire.
As well as Muslims strive to ignore behavior and thoughts that are not acceptable according to the doctrines of Islam. Besides Muslims have faith that rewards of good behaviour and deeds are increased during Ramadan.
Ramadan Dates
Islamic calendar follows the lunar cycle, therefore, all months in the Islamic calendar do not match with the Gregorian calendar. As we all know the lunar calendar cycle is different from the solar calendar, although Ramadan dates are purely based on the cycle of the lunar calendar. According to common criteria, the month of Ramadan shifts around 11 days every year.
You can consider the difference in Ramadan dates with an example here in 2018 the month of Ramadan began on April 02 but in Ramadan month is calculated to start on May 6th throughout the world. So the holy month in 2024 (1446) is coming too close and asks us to prepare ourselves for fasting and worshipping the Almighty.
Ramadan Meaning
Ramadan (Ramzan or Ramjan) is the Arabic term which means or denotes burning or scorching heat. Some scholars or religious experts describe the fact that it commonly falls in specific hot weather around the world. The time is the hottest time of the year, this reason may relate to the termed meaning of Ramadan. The term Ramadan may have some other relative meaning.
Therefore there is conflict about the description of the word ‘Ramadan’.
Rituals and Traditions of Ramadan
Ramadan is the most auspicious and precious religious ritual for all Muslims. It can be right to call Ramadan an event more than a ritual, the most prior and treasurable event for all Muslims. Let us know the traditions that are obligatory to follow in Ramadan according to one’s possible stamina and situation. However, Allah Almighty is the most merciful and forgiving as He does not want his creation to be in trouble or pain. We have made a list of 9+ Ramadan Rituals and traditions to follow.
These traditions are usually very common during Ramadan as well as contain greater rewards.
1. Sehr or Suhur
It is the most crucial tradition and mandatory part of Ramadan. Sehr starts before dawn and Muslims are obligatory to have a pre-fast meal commonly known as suhur or Sehr. According to various hadiths, this pre-fast meal carries many blessings for Muslims. Muslims should stop eating Sahari (pre-fast meal) when they hear the fajr prayer calling (Adhan), this meal thrives the human body throughout the day.
Therefore all Muslims need to eat healthy Sahari which helps to keep them active, healthy, and energetic. A healthy and considerable diet helps you stay more focused on prayers and worship while fasting, so choose a diet plan wisely.
2. Iftar
Iftar is the most awaited time during Ramadan. It is the time of sunset when Muslims get together with families or friends to open fast together. Right at the time of prayer calling (Adhan) of maghrib Muslims recite an iftar dua and have water or dates along with other food. Opening fast with three dates or water is a great Sunnah of the last prophet (PBUH), hence many Muslims follow His Sunnah.
Because there are so many benefits of dates this is the fruit of paradise which contains many nutrients and health benefits. However, there is no harm in opening a fast with any other food, iftar is mandatory to complete one’s fasting for Allah’s will. Also one should not take a long time to open fast no matter what kind of halal food you have; this act may dismiss the reward of fasting.
In different cultures and different traditions, Muslims prepare special dishes and food for iftar which are not common in daily routine life. These traditional food items are mostly desserts, fresh juices, and so many other mouthwatering starters.
3. Zakat
Charity or Ramadan Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. Islam is the only religion that teaches and considers charity (zakat) the most extraordinary good deed. Since zakat is mandatory in Islam it is compulsory for only those people who are rich or have enough money according to the Islamic code of conduct.
However, there are volunteer charities and Sadaqah which can be anything according to your status or money you have. But zakat is only payable on assets one owns, it is payable annually and it is the simplest way of purifying one’s wealth according to Islam teachings. Zakat should be given to deserving or poorer people.
Ramadan is the special month in which your good deeds are rewarded highest as compared to other normal days. Therefore it is the best month to give zakat and other charity so that the poor can celebrate the Eid-ul-Fitr at the end of Ramadan well with their kids. Also do not forget to practice charity whatever you have, other than Ramadan as well to help poor humans of Allah Almighty.
4. Reciting Quran
Quran Sharif is the biggest source of guidance and blessing ever given to humanity on this earth. This is the only holy book on this earth that maintains its exact words from day one and why not it? When Almighty has taken the responsibility to secure his holy book till the Day of Judgment.
Muslims used to recite the Quran more in Ramadan also they are highly encouraged to do so. Tarawih or Taraweeh is another most blessed and precious tradition it is the way basically through which Muslims complete Quran recitation in mosques. During Ramadan, Muslims practice Taraweeh with Isha prayer held in mosques where the recitation of the Quran takes place daily.
5. Itikaf
It is the most rewarded act or tradition in Islam which is Mustahab (you may be rewarded if practiced but the omission of this act is not punishable). To be isolated from the world and normal life in a mosque or at home to worship the Almighty is known as Itikaf. Itikaf is the action that purifies the soul and heart because you have dedicated your life and time to please Allah.
Related Itikaf Rules, Duas, and Benefits
This act is based on 10 days, one has to instigate i’tikaf right after the sunset of the 20th of Ramadan and it has to end with the sight of the Eid moon.
6. Tarawih
As we mentioned above there are additional prayers mostly Muslims perform at Tarawih at night, especially during Ramadan. Tarawih is an important prayer in Ramadan in terms of reward but these are not obligatory. According to Islamic history, Muslim men used to perform Taraweeh in mosques during Ramadan although Muslim women were used to performing Taraweeh at home.
There are many Muslim men and women who still follow this tradition and perform Taraweeh in mosques and at home accordingly.
6. Lailat-al-Qadr
Also known as the ‘night of power’, it is the most precious, coveted, and blessed night of the year and carries the highest rewards. It is hidden among the last ten days of Ramadan, though it is not fixed there are 5 nights mentioned one of which is Lailat-al-Qadr.
Ramzan Rules and Regulations:
Fasting during Ramadan is mandatory for all adult Muslims. However, those people who are suffering from any kind of disease and are on medication can avoid fasting but have to pay Kaffarah for sins. Also, there are some exempted from fasting including the very aged, one who travels, a diabetic patient, chronically ill, pregnant, breastfeeding, or menstruating. There are more than 9 Ramadan rules that are necessary to follow. However, all these are expected to make up in the upcoming days and complete their fasts with the same traditions.

In Muslim communities, children are very excited and strive to complete their fasts as a practice for later life.
Ramadan Fasting (Roza)
Ramadan is not only about fasting when you are not quitting evil deeds and negative or impure thoughts then your fast is not more than just a hunger practice. Ramadan is the month and name of practices that purify the soul, heart, and brain of impurities and help you become a good person. During fast one should know that it should at least practice purifying evil thoughts and deeds which are against the Islamic code of conduct.
The person, who fasts, should be kind enough with mankind, generous, gentle, compassionate, and merciful. These are the teachings of the last prophet Muhammad SAWW which provide us right path to be closer to the Almighty.
Ramzan Foods & Recipes
From day one till now, in Islamic history, the special preparation of food during Ramadan has always been the same. Long-time ago in the time of Prophet Muhammad, Muslims preferred to have dates, goat milk, camel milk, Harees, meat curry, and much more. They tried to keep them light, healthy, and safe for performing prayers and Taraweeh. Too much eating may cause laziness and other health issues.
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Different cultures and different states have their unusual but beautiful tradition of preparing some special food items exclusively for Ramadan. Some of the famous Ramadan dishes include fruit cake, Konafa, Ramadan kabab, Kolak, promo, and much more.
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Here are some traditional and famous Suhor and Iftar dishes, which are made in different countries and states worldwide:
Famous Dishes for Suhor:
- Baklava
- Noni afghani
- Harees
- Shahan Ful
- rice pudding and dates
- fava bean spread
- Ekmek bread
- Feta cheese omelet roll
Famous Dishes for Iftar:
- Harira
- Beguni
- Turkish fish stew
- Gullac
- Khoresh Fesenjan or Chicken stew with pomegranate
- Bissara
- Saffron rice
- Daleem
Facts Sheet
Ramadan is the 9th month according to the Islamic lunar calendar. The holy month Ramadan starts when the new moon is sighted. Again when the new crescent’s first moon is sighted it is considered the end of Ramadan and the celebration commonly known as Eid. Muslims practice 29 or 30 days of consecutive fasting during Ramadan with other additional prayers and Ibadaats.
Also, the date of Ramadan differs 10 to 11 days every year due to astronomical calculations. Non-muslims usually wonder how Muslims fast too long without water or anything else but according to Muslims, this is the most blessed and beautiful act in Islamic conduct.
Let’s find out some astonishing and interesting Ramadan facts that surely mesmerize you:
- During Ramadan, the first verse was sent on the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him)
- During this holy month, various Muslim countries intentionally shorten their work timings to offer some relief and more time for additional prayers and worshipping
- When Ramadan is getting closer in most Muslim countries streets, houses, mosques, and markets are beautifully decorated with different colored lights and green flags
- The green color is the color of the Islamic flag
- It is damn unfortunate, in some Muslim countries Ramadan has become the month of inflation due to prices of food items and others goes up
- Most often non-Muslims greet Muslims in a nice, sweet manner throughout the world, as well as Muslims want to greet one another Ramadan Mubarak first, it is believed that wishing Ramadan first will be rewarded high
- In one-third of Ramadan, some Muslim countries or communities have a tradition to give gifts to their families, friends, fellows, and neighbours
- Muslims from around the world give zakat or charity or Sadaqah as much as compared to the whole year
- Each and every righteous deed in the fasting situation is rewarded higher likewise each and every good deed during Ramadan is also rewarded much higher as compared to other normal days
- It has been seen throughout the world that non-muslim communities at least once prepared meal or food items for Muslims in Ramadan, mostly in Asian countries
- Some Muslim countries have a rule not to omit fast during Ramadan, it is considered illegal
- Fasting in the polar region is toughest where the daylight lasts up to 22 hours
- Muslims are instructed to celebrate the happiness of Ramadan at the end of the month named Eid-ul-Fitr which last for three days
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Major Events during Ramadan 1443:
Ramadan Kareem is a month of blessings for all Muslims. The ummah of Prophet Muhammad PBUH was taught special worships (Ibadaats), prayers for this month. Almighty opens some more special doors of blessings, mercy and repentance for Muslims during Ramadan.
As we mentioned above various times that Ramadan is the month of blessings, it is actually, let us define you. Ramadan has always been beckoned the time of most crucial historic events. If someone searched deeply Ramadan has been the time of great changes all through history. This is the month of the Quran was first revealed on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and this was the month when the last Prophet of Allah Almighty passed away.
Also, Hazrat Isa (AS) Ibn-e-Maryam (Jesus Christ) was raised back to the sky by Allah Almighty. Many idols in Kabah were demolished during the blessed month of Ramadan by our beloved Prophet PBUH and his companions.
From the long back Islamic history till today Ramadan has been the time of worldly great changes. Let’s find out some major events occurred in the holy month Ramadan:
Eid Chand Raat Mubarak Status Gif, Images
Victorious Battle of Badr:
The great historical battle of Badr occurred on 17th Ramadan 2 AH and the greatest battle in the history won by Muslims under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This is also known as Ghazwa-e-Badr in Islamic history and the battle in the second year of hijra was amongst the glorious victory of Muslims so far. The battle ended up with the death of heads of Quraysh Mushriks and the most important mushrik Abu jail.
In this battle, Almighty helped their believers in a beautiful way and sent thousands of angels to fight next to Muslims against thousands of thousands of mushriks. This battle was indeed a miracle of Allah Almighty without a doubt.
Mecca was Ruled:
Under the flag of Islam and greatest ever leadership of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Mecca was conquered on 18th of Ramadan in eight Hijra year. It was the most peaceful conquer when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) entered the city of Mecca with 10,000 of the Muslim army and signalled the expiration of idol worship with the worship of one and only Allah.
Therein Al-Kaaba Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and companions have destroyed more than 360 idols. The huge idol ‘Uzza’ was the most famous idol in the Arabs was destroyed on 25th of Ramadan in the same year by Khalid ibn al-Waleed. The most important and admirable thing is there was not a single mushrik killed by the great Muslim army because of the special instructions of most loved and merciful Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Returning of Prophet (PBUH) from Tabook:
The last Prophet of Allah Almighty returned from the victorious battle of Tabook in the 9th Hija year. He succeeded to gain control over the area held by Romans and Persians previously. In the same year, the King of Yemen came to the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and embraced Islam.
Hadrat Khadija passed away:
The mother of believers, Hadrat Khadija, the first and most beloved wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was passed away on 10th of Ramadan. Also, Hadrat Aisha (RA) died in the Ramadan in the year 58 AH. She has been a true inspiration for all women that what are the stances they should ponder over to develop a better society. She led her life bravely although she set a positive example through her life for all women.
The assassination of Hadrat Ali Ibn Abi Talib:
The caliph of Islam the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Hadrat Ali Ibn Abi Talib was murdered by Khawarij in Kufa on 17th Ramadan in 40 AH. Hadrat Ali Ibn Abi Talib was the bravest person on the earth also known for his informative abilities. This unfortunate and tragic event occurred in Fajr time on Friday at Kufah, presently known as Iraq.
Crusaders’ Defeat by Salahudeen:
Salahudeen and crusaders came head to head battle in Ramadan 1187 CE and the great king Salahudeen defeat Crusaders in the battlefield of Hattin. This battle was the end mark for the crusaders that they cannot be in the battle condition with Muslims again. Whereas this victory of Salahuddin paved the way of conquering Jerusalem by the great Muslim army.
Muhammad Bin Qasim landed in Sindh:
This was the turning point for Muslims of east when Muhammad Bin Qasim came over Al-Sindh (presently a province of Pakistan). This was the starting point when the land of India start turning the land of Muslims and afterwards, there was various great Islamic civilization and dynasties established.
Egypt defeated Israel:
In the blessed month of Ramadan 1973, the Egypt military declared war against Israel and finally defeated Israel in the battlefield. This victory of Egyptian has changed the worldly perception of the unbeatable Israeli army after the tragic defeat of heavy Israeli military. The event then paved the way of peace process across the region and agreed to openly discuss their conflicts.